December 10, 2022
There has been considerable speculation as to President Biden’s health and cognitive function. Multiple videos show him stumbling or confused and even 50% of Democrats do not believe he should run for reelection in 2024. Possible causes are early Alzheimer’s Disease or simply the decline that occurs naturally with aging. The President is eighty years old.
But there is another possibility – Parkinson’s Disease.
Parkinson’s is a specific neurological disease in which the part of the brain (the substantia nigra) crucial in the manufacturing of a chemical called dopamine becomes damaged. This chemical choreographs the communication of the neurons that control complex movements. Thus, those afflicted develop tremors, a halting gait and a masked like facial appearance as the initial symptoms. Progression can result in dementia, mood disorders and incontinence. There is no blood test or specific radiographic finding that diagnoses Parkinson’s with accuracy; thus, early cases are a clinical diagnosis and even neurologists will disagree on whether a specific patient has this condition.
Parkinson’s cannot be cured yet, but in can be managed, mostly with medications similar to dopamine that are administered orally.
There are videos of the President with tremors and the classic Parkinsonian gait. He also has the characteristic masked facies that his handlers try to hide with make-up and Botox.

President Joe Biden in a recent photo
The President’s personal physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor released a detailed report on Biden’s health in November of 2021. The report specifically stated:
“An extremely detailed neurological exam was reassuring in that there were no findings that would be consistent with cerebellar or any central neurological disorder such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, or ascending lateral sclerosis.”
Perhaps. But this would not be the first time a President’s illness was hidden from the public. The public never knew that Franklin Roosevelt was wheelchair bound or that President Wilson’s wife ran the country after he suffered a stroke. The press protected both presidents.
But the strongest argument that the President has Parkinson’s is that his appearance fluctuates. In other words, at times his gait appears vigorous and appearance normal. This is what would be expected in early Parkinson’s that was being treated. Other entities do not typically show such variations.
How this will play politically remains to be seen. The President appears to be planning to run for reelection and is even changing the primary schedule so that South Carolina is first to vote over Iowa and New Hampshire. This is the state that gave him the momentum to vanquish his primary opponents in 2020. Furthermore, as the election of the neurologically-impaired Senator Fetterman demonstrated in Pennsylvania, the polarized voters are more interested in the underlying policies a candidate represents rather than his health.
Whether the president has Parkinson’s, some other entity or is just aging, it is reasonable to assume he will be less functional when he has to debate the Republican opponent in 2024 and govern the country until 2028 if he wins. But again, this should not be a major problem.
He could simply refuse to debate, especially if his opponent is Donald Trump, arguing that he will not give “White Supremacy” a platform. His Vice President, Kamala Harris, is not particularly popular at this point, but this will change quickly if she has to step into office after the President wins reelection – especially with the media hagiography that will be heaped on her.
And at this time, the odds Biden will be reelected – no matter how impaired. Former President Trump is arranging a circular fire squad for the Republican primaries and may run as an Independent if he isn’t nominated.
Also, the mid-terms saw the Democrats win the gubernatorial and Secretary of the State races (this person controls the voting process) in the swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona. These states will continue the “temporary” ballot harvesting started during the COVID pandemic – sending out ballots to all voters and then allowing the billionaire class to pay people $100 and hour to knock on doors, “assist” voters in filling them out, harvesting them and then placing them in drop boxes. This is how Trump was beaten in 2020 and how Republicans did much worse in the 2022 mid-terms even though they won the vote by 4%.
Our ruling class is determined to keep power by any means necessary and if that means rerunning an obviously impaired Joe Biden, then so be it.