One of the proudest accomplishments of my profession, ophthalmology, is the reduction in blindness from glaucoma. Decades ago, it was common to hear “Uncle John went blind from glaucoma.” Now such tragedies are rare. But now the insurance companies are refusing to pay for the most effective glaucoma medicines while increasing the patients’ […]
Dr. Bandy Lee is Damaging the Psychiatric Profession
January 21, 2018 A Yale psychiatrist, Dr. Bandy Lee, is enjoying her fifteen minutes of fame as the editor of the bestseller “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump.” This book contains the opinions of 27 psychiatrists and psychologists, some of whom believe the President suffers from cognitive dysfunction and mental illness. In doing so, they […]
Donald Trump Should Replace Obamacare with a Universal Health Safety Net
November 27, 2016 President-elect Trump has promised to repeal Obamacare but thus far has been vague about alternatives. Rather than tinker with the system, Mr. Trump should boldly propose that all Americans have a Universal Health Safety Net that protects individuals and families from huge health care bills while lowering premiums for […]