Jim Himes and the Democrats are often displaying their compassion for the illegal Mexican and Central American immigrants that have entered our country over the past decades. Yet, no one ever asks why these people – the vast majority who are decent and hard-working – came to the United States. The answer is simple. […]
Neo-Darwinism Misses the Point
Printed in the Torrington Register on November 10, 1994 The cumulative frustration caused by the failure of government intervention to create an integrated egalitarian society is now boiling over in academia and on our op-ed pages. A new book, “The Bell Curve” by Charles Murray and Richard Herrstein, resurrects the concept that intelligence […]
Increase Taxes on the Super Rich
The United States is becoming a Third World country – where the rich get richer, the poor get poorer and the middle class have to work like dogs to remain middle class. Health care is unaffordable, private sector pensions are sparse, inflation is rampant and jobs that pay a living wage are few and far […]