February 6, 1995 A populist revolt over the bail out of Wall Street speculators after the devaluation of the Mexican peso forced Bill Clinton to use his executive powers to rescue the Wall Street Welfare State. Three weeks ago, the bailout appeared to be a done deal with the leadership of both parties predicting swift […]
We need a Universal Safety Net for All Americans
The rollout of the Affordable Care Act is one of the most dismal policy failures ever to take place at the federal level. The ACA has resulted in the cancellation of millions of existing policies and rapidly rising health insurance costs. The mostly inoperable website has become a symbol of an overly complex, unworkable law. […]
The Real Cause of the Flood of Illegal Immigrants – Jim Himes and his cronies at Goldman Sachs
Jim Himes and the Democrats are often displaying their compassion for the illegal Mexican and Central American immigrants that have entered our country over the past decades. Yet, no one ever asks why these people – the vast majority who are decent and hard-working – came to the United States. The answer is simple. […]